Federal taxes make up a great percentage of the retail price that the customer pays for his cigarettes and when there is no tax the customer would get a sixty percent discount.
It is great news for smokers to know that their favorite brands of cigarettes are very cheap and they could buy cigarettes from our cigarette shop. The cigarettes supplied from the cigarette shop or cigarette store would give you 100 percent satisfaction and you would find that the flavor is the same that you are used to. When customers buy cigarettes from a cigarette shop or cigarette store they would be supplied with genuine cigarettes with the same flavor. The absence of duty and federal taxes on the cigarettes would enable a cigarette shop or cigarette store to sell the cigarettes to an online customer at unbelievably low prices. The same taste and freshness that the popular brands are known for would be found intact in each and every cigarette that a customer gets eve though the price is just 35 percent of the rate that the customer has been paying already.
The duty free cigarettes come from perfectly legal and authorized bonded warehouses that are duty free. The genuine cigarette shop are now shipped by the online dealers to over a hundred countries and the business is perfectly legal. The online dealer does not spend any money on advertising or for marketing the products. Bulk purchases from the manufacturers enable online dealers to offer the cigarettes at very low prices to their customers. Minors will not be supplied with cigarettes. The cigarette supplies would reach a customer in just 2 weeks through registered Airmail.